Yesterday, we met with our social worker to begin our new homestudy for baby Delylah. Our original one from Lennah's adoption is expiring in March so they want us to complete a new one. It really isn't that bad since we just have to go through the formalities and now we have BTDT. So overall, that should continue to go well. She was happy to hear that we are not in a rush since our agency moves so quickly with referrals. We figure it is no big deal to complete our new home study in March since we are under no real time constraints.
That being said everyone will probably think I am crazy but to top off my last day of vacation from work I took Lennah to go search for furniture for her baby sister. I was just planning on looking in the same store I purchased Lennah's only a little over a year ago. Anyway, it is sad because they are closing because the owner is sick. Next month they are shutting their doors. Because of this they are cutting some really awesome deals and low and behold we are going back Saturday morning to pick up Delylah's furniture and bedding set. I love Lennah's furniture but this time around we opted for something a bit more girly (then again last time we were sure we were getting a boy). Keith is ok with whatever I pick out (thank goodness). But I am so happy with this purchase and now I cannot wait to start tackling her room. I am thinking over February break I will be painting Delylah's room and probably tackle one of our guest bedrooms to turn into a playroom for the girls. Here are the pictures of the furniture I picked out and the bedding. I hope everyone can envision the two together.
I am also in the Atlanta area. Could you let me know what store that is. We are lookingfor a crib set.
Oh how exciting!!!!! Cant wait to see more!
Awesome bedding set. It is the one that I would have used HAD we known we were having a girl. I love it. I am so excited that you guys are going the ET route, we will probably be following after you, a year later again. =) Oh and I love your girls' names. You have good taste!
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